developer profile website
TypeScriptSentiment language processing for Tweets
TypeScriptBash utility scripts for Wordpress servers
ShellNextJS project with TinaCMS and StrapiCMS
TypeScriptInternational Space Station geolocation in 3D Globe, WIP.
JavaScriptAcid techno Sonic Pi code.
RubyThe Superhero App lets you search and view details of all superhero and villains from all universes.
PHPClone wordpress post and pages.
ShellBower package for custom wordpress Bootstrap 3.0+ navigation.
PHPInstalador del tema base de Wordpress Chocolita.
JavaScriptInstalador para el tema base de Wordpress Chocolita
Shellpre-receive githook.
ShellNodeJS Twitter Bot that generates random lyrics for SOD's Chop Suey.
JavaScriptpost-receive githook with pikachu.
ShellBash Script: Reporte de sismos en Nicaragua
ShellSoftware Engineer Python
Frontend Engineer
Frontend Engineer
Project manager/Data scientist
UI/UX Designer
Fullstack Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
Wordpress Developer
Web Developer | JavaScript
Web Developer